26 research outputs found

    Language learning strategies in third language acquisition

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    Language learning strategies are specific actions that learners employ in order to make their learning easier, faster, more self-directed and efficient (Oxford, 1990). It is of great interest to both teachers and students to know what these techniques are and how they can be employed, in order to improve their teaching and learning. Even though there is evidence that bilingualism and multilingualism may positively affect an additional language learning in various ways, some studies (Kemp, 2007, Korkmaz, 2013, Mitits & Sarafianou, 2012, Psaltou-Joycey & Kantaridou, 2009, Qasimnejad & Hemmati, 2013, Sung, 2011) have been undertaken to find how exactly multilinguals apply their vast linguistic knowledge when approaching various linguistic tasks in terms of strategies used. This paper investigated the use and frequency of language learning strategies of two multilingual groups of Croatian high school students who had been studying two or three foreign languages, respectively. The research study was carried out using statments based on items from Oxford's SILL questionnaire (1990), and additional items, which were added with the aim to test cross-linguistic strategies in particular. The results showed that the participants with the knowledge of three languages used a wider variety of strategies and used them more often. The same was found in the case of cross-linguistic strategies

    Knjižnične usluge za društveno isključene skupine

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    Kao mjesta širenja znanja i tolerancije, knjižnice omogućavaju pristup informacijama i znanju svima, pa tako i onim pojedincima koji su iz nekog razloga isključeni iz društva ili su pod povećanim rizikom od postajanja društveno isključenima. Pružanje jednakih mogućnosti i stjecanje znanja i socijalnih vještina kroz informiranje i cjeloživotno učenje povećava njihove izglede da aktivno sudjeluju u životu zajednice. Ovaj rad prikazuje istraživanje o prisutnosti, kvaliteti te potrebi za knjižničnim uslugama za društveno isključene skupine u narodnim knjižnicama u Hrvatskoj te načinima za moguća poboljšanja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je ponuda knjižničnih usluga za društveno isključene u hrvatskim narodnim knjižnicama još u začetku te da ima puno mjesta za daljnji napredak. Potrebno je oblikovati jasne smjernice imajući u vidu specifičnosti svake od društveno isključenih skupina.As places of tolerance and spreading of knowledge, libraries allow access to information and knowledge to everyone, even those individuals who are, for some reason, excluded from society or under greater risk of becoming socially excluded. Providing equal possibilities, gaining knowledge and social skills through informing and lifelong learning increases their chances to actively participate in the community. This papers presents a research on the presence, quality and need for library services for socially excluded in public libraries in Croatia and ways of their possible improvement. The research has shown that the offer of library services for socially excluded is still in its beginning stages and that there is a lot to improve on. There is a need to form clear guidelines having in mind the specificities of each of the socially excluded groups

    Primjena single-pass albuminske dijalize (SPAD) za korekciju teške hiperbilirubinemije u Weilovoj bolesti: prikaz bolesnika

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    Liver failure, regardless of the cause, carries a high risk of morbidity and mortality. Many of the toxins that accumulate in liver failure are poorly water-soluble and are thus transported through the bloodstream bound to albumins. Renal replacement therapy does not significantly alter the concentration of bilirubin and other albumin-bound toxins in the serum. In patients with liver failure additional detoxification methods are needed. There are several artificial extracorporeal liver support systems based on the principle of albumin but their availability is limited due to high cost and requirement of operators with special training. There have been several reports of using SPAD (single pass albumin dialysis) as an effective alternative. The main advantage of this method is that it can be performed using conventional renal replacement therapy (RRT) devices. In this report, the authors report the use of SPAD to treat severe liver failure in a patient with Weil\u27s disease.Zatajenje jetre, bez obzira na uzrok, sa sobom nosi visoki rizik morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Brojni toksini koji se nakupljaju tijekom zatajenja jetre slabo su topljivi u vodi i stoga se transportiraju u cirkulaciju vezani za albumine. Bubrežna nadomjesna terapija ne utječe značajnije na koncentraciju bilirubina i drugih toksina koji se vežu na albumine u serumu. U bolesnika s jetrenim zatajenjem potrebne su dodatne detoksikacijske metode. Postoji nekoliko umjetnih izvantjelesnih sustava za potporu jetri zasnovanih na albuminskom principu, ali je njihova dostupnost ograničena zbog visokih troškova i potrebe za posebnom edukacijom osoblja koje izvodi postupak. Do sada je opisano nekoliko slučajeva primjene SPAD-a (engl. single pass albumin dialysis) kao učinkovita alternativa. Glavna prednost ove metoda je što se može provesti koristeći uređaj za konvencionalno nadomještanje bubrežne funkcije. U ovom prikazu, autori opisuju primjenu SPAD-a za liječenje teškog zatajenja jetre u bolesnika s Weilovom bolešću

    Minimal B Cell Extrinsic IgG Glycan Modifications of Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory IgG Preparations in vivo

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    Select residues in the biantennary sugar moiety attached to the fragment crystallizable of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies can modulate IgG effector functions. Thus, afucosylated IgG glycovariants have enhanced cytotoxic activity, whereas IgG glycovariants rich in terminal sialic acid residues can trigger anti-inflammatory effects. More recent evidence suggests that terminal α2,6 linked sialic acids can be attached to antibodies post IgG secretion. These findings raise concerns for the use of therapeutic antibodies as they may change their glycosylation status in the patient and hence affect their activity. To investigate to what extent B cell extrinsic sialylation processes modify therapeutic IgG preparations in vivo, we analyzed changes in human intravenous IgG (IVIg) sialylation upon injection in mice deficient in B cells or in mice lacking the sialyltransferase 1, which catalyzes the addition of α2,6 linked sialic acid residues. By performing a time course of IgG glycan analysis with HILIC-UPLC-FLR (plus MS) and xCGE-LIF our study suggests that therapeutic IgG glycosylation is stable upon injection in vivo. Only a very small fraction of IgG molecules acquired sialic acid structures predominantly in the Fab- but not the Fc-portion upon injection in vivo, suggesting that therapeutic antibody glycosylation will remain stable upon injection in vivo

    Water and sewage installation project for residential building

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    Vodovod i kanalizacija su sastavni dijelovi projektiranja stambenih zgrada. Pitku vodu je potrebno dovesti u sustav kućnoga vodovoda uzimajući u obzir sve gubitke i padove tlakova, na način da je osiguran optimalan tlak koji je potreban da bi se voda dovela do najkritičnijeg i najudaljenijeg izljevnog mjesta u stambenoj zgradi. Svu sanitarno – fekalnu otpadnu vodu je potrebno zbrinuti i odvesti na siguran način kroz sustav kućne kanalizacije da ne bi došla u doticaj i da se ne bi pomiješala s čistom i pitkom podzemnom vodom. U ovom radu su projektirane vodovodne i kanalizacijske instalacije višestambenog objekt koji se sastoji od prizemlja i dva kata s ukupno devet stanova. Projektnim su rješenjem osigurani minimalni zahtjevi koji su potrebni da bi sustav vodovoda i kanalizacije bio funkcionalan. Rad je podijeljen u dva dijela. Prvi dio je tekstualni i sadrţi tehnički opis, hidraulički proračun vodovoda i kanalizacije te dokaznicu mjera za izvoĎenje radova. Drugi dio je grafički u kojemu su priloţeni: situacijski prikaz graĎevine, tlocrti i detalji vodovodne i kanalizacijske mreţe, aksonometrijski prikaz vodovodne instalacije te detalji

    Activities, pressures and conflicts on the coast of Kaštela bay

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    U ovom diplomskom radu se razmatra stanje obalnog područja Kaštelanskog zaljeva, koje je duži niz godina, a i danas, izloženo intenzivnom antropogenom utjecaju. Zbog povoljnog geografskog položaja područje Kaštelanskog zaljeva se godinama naseljavalo što je dovelo do razvoja djelatnosti, poglavito poljoprivrede, industrije i turizma. Razvoj navedenih djelatnosti je poboljšao život stanovnicima, a istovremeno se stvorio veliki pritisak na obalno područje i morski ekosustav. Nepažljivo odlaganje otpada, ispuštanje štetnih otpadnih voda ˝divljim kanalima˝ u more i nagla urbanizacija dodatno su utjecali na onečišćenje. Integralno upravljanje obalnim područjem (IUOP) je osnovni preduvjet za uspješnu primjenu koncepta održivog razvoja Kaštelanskog zaljeva. Provedeno anketno ispitivanje je pokazalo da je stanovništvo svjesno važnosti brige za okoliš, a tako i održivosti u priobalnom području Kaštelanskog zaljeva. U radu su korišteni rezultati iz prijašnjih istraživanja na području Kaštelanskog zaljeva.This master's thesis discusses the state of the coastal area of Kaštela Bay, which has been exposed to intense anthropogenic influence for many years and even today. Favorable geographical position of Kaštela Bay has caused a rapid population growth that,, sparked economic activity namely agriculture, industry and tourism. The development of these activities has improved the lives of the inhabitants. However it also placed the coastal area and the marine ecosystems under an ever-growing pressure. Improper disposal of waste, unauthorised discharge of harmful wastewater into the sea, and rapid urbanization have further contributed to the pollution level. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is a prerequisite for the successful sustainable development of Kaštela Bay. The conducted survey shows that the locals are aware of the importance of caring for the environment and ultimately the sustainability of the Kaštela Bay coast. The thesis draws the results from previous research on the Kaštela Bay area

    Activities, pressures and conflicts on the coast of Kaštela bay

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    U ovom diplomskom radu se razmatra stanje obalnog područja Kaštelanskog zaljeva, koje je duži niz godina, a i danas, izloženo intenzivnom antropogenom utjecaju. Zbog povoljnog geografskog položaja područje Kaštelanskog zaljeva se godinama naseljavalo što je dovelo do razvoja djelatnosti, poglavito poljoprivrede, industrije i turizma. Razvoj navedenih djelatnosti je poboljšao život stanovnicima, a istovremeno se stvorio veliki pritisak na obalno područje i morski ekosustav. Nepažljivo odlaganje otpada, ispuštanje štetnih otpadnih voda ˝divljim kanalima˝ u more i nagla urbanizacija dodatno su utjecali na onečišćenje. Integralno upravljanje obalnim područjem (IUOP) je osnovni preduvjet za uspješnu primjenu koncepta održivog razvoja Kaštelanskog zaljeva. Provedeno anketno ispitivanje je pokazalo da je stanovništvo svjesno važnosti brige za okoliš, a tako i održivosti u priobalnom području Kaštelanskog zaljeva. U radu su korišteni rezultati iz prijašnjih istraživanja na području Kaštelanskog zaljeva.This master's thesis discusses the state of the coastal area of Kaštela Bay, which has been exposed to intense anthropogenic influence for many years and even today. Favorable geographical position of Kaštela Bay has caused a rapid population growth that,, sparked economic activity namely agriculture, industry and tourism. The development of these activities has improved the lives of the inhabitants. However it also placed the coastal area and the marine ecosystems under an ever-growing pressure. Improper disposal of waste, unauthorised discharge of harmful wastewater into the sea, and rapid urbanization have further contributed to the pollution level. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is a prerequisite for the successful sustainable development of Kaštela Bay. The conducted survey shows that the locals are aware of the importance of caring for the environment and ultimately the sustainability of the Kaštela Bay coast. The thesis draws the results from previous research on the Kaštela Bay area